Jack took some time to answer our questions:
What is the greatest success you’ve had since joining LWP?
While the successes seem to be piling up recently, I'd say our greatest success was successfully submitting our first Medicaid application using LWP's system, having it approved, and then getting a special “thanks” from the DHHS agent who reviewed the application. She said it was one of the most well-constructed, documented, and explained applications she'd ever received. She thought I was an old pro!
What is your favorite LWP tool?
At the moment, I'm a big fan of a tool that Phil Miner provided to me to try out that allows me to consolidate the Goal Focuser and counseling issues. I feel like it allows me to move through the Vision meeting effortlessly and confidently, knowing that I've really listened to the client and covered all the areas that need to be covered. Since we've implemented the tool, our conversion rate has improved dramatically and the fees per conversion are increasing too!
How has being part of LWP impacted your team and your practice?
What previously felt a bit like an organization without goals and direction is now gelling into a group with well-defined goals and roles, a sense of purpose, and a plan for success in the future. I know that's really general, but after 15 months in practice I was really wondering if changing careers at such a late age, 56, was a good move. In the 8 months since joining and working through the LWP process, I can honestly say that I'm confident that we'll be successful and that I made the right choice.
Share something about yourself that most people don’t know about you.
I'm pretty much an open book. But, here's one I rarely share: I graduated 8th of 264 graduates in my law school class. Armed with that information and a couple bucks, you might be able to get a cup a coffee somewhere!
What is your favorite book and how did it impact your life?
Wild at Heart, by John Eldredge. I'd always struggled to reconcile my inner warrior with being a "safe" Christian male. In my heart, I have a drive to be both dangerous and good. This book clearly explained to me how you can be both and still serve God. Transformational!
Congratulations to you on your continued success!