What Is The Greatest Success You've Had Since Joining LWP?
Launching and doing workshops. We are certainly a work in progress as far as marketing them and getting butts-in-seats. However, I am very proud of my team that we dove right in and started doing them, and keep doing them regardless of how many attendees we have. While our attendee numbers have started small, on a conversion basis, they have been profitable for us. Plus, getting out of our comfort zone and doing more public speaking is always great experience.
What Is Your Favorite LWP Tool?
The support and coaching. We have a tremendous implementation coach in Rosalyn Drotar. Her guidance, belief in our mission, and straight up energy has been uplifting and a game changer for us as far as our direction moving forward in implementing LWP processes and establishing the necessary goals to achieve our firm vision. I look forward to my monthly mentoring calls with Candace Pollock who has great ideas; and I always enjoy our conversations. The legal/technical support from the amazingly Kimberly Brannon has been vital; I wouldn't have been able to get through my first AP2 plan without her. And lastly, the support of the whole LWP community on the list serv. It is comforting to know there is a larger community of other attorneys where no question is a bad one and everyone is so eager to help each other.
How Has Being Part of LWP Impacted Your Team & Your Practice?
The biggest impact has been in time management, both individually and as a firm. We bought in to the concept of creating our time templates and that has made us more efficient with our workflow as well as reduce some stress. The time templates also forced us to dedicate time for working on the business, as opposed to being reactionary on a daily basis. Having dedicated time for team meetings and marketing meetings has allowed us to respect each other’s work time better. Also, taking some advice from Candace Pollock, we have scheduled important firm and life events (team meetings, workshops, time off) six months in advance. Learning how to use time as an investment towards growing our practice has been revolutionary.
Share Something About Yourself That Most People Don't Know About You?
When I was a kid I wanted to grow up to be a cartoonist like Charles Schultz or Jim Davis. I still enjoy cartooning as a hobby and one of my favorite activities is to sit down with my three kids and draw with them.
What Is Your Favorite Book And How Did It Impact Your Life?
"Miracle Mornings" by Hal Elrod. It has been instrumental in helping me create better habits of approaching each day with a positive spirit and energy. Much like working on your business as opposed to just in it, it is important to work on yourself and take care of yourself. This book has helped give me the tools and focus to do that. As a result, I have generally felt happier and less stressed even during the most difficult times.