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Elizabeth Fitts

I have a question, that a lawyer might be able to answer.
My ex-husband is claiming my son on his VA benefits.
My ex-husband signed away his rights 10 years ago.
Is this legal, if now any one know how to help me.

Coyle J. Morris

Do Medical expense records still have to be submitted for the

previous year ....??

Angela DiPalma

My husband has cancer and is a veteran, discharged in 1970 (honorable). He has medicare but the bills are still piling up. We use other hospitals for his care, not the VA hospital...can they help with the expenses?

Jane Franks

Where do we send the 21P-8416 form once completed? I need a physical address; street, po box, something! Thank you.

Eileen S Pickell

Where do we send the 21P-8416 form once completed? I need a physical address; street, po box, something! Thank you Eileen S Pickell

[email protected]

carol womack

Where to send completed 21P-8416 form - Need mailing address

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