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Sam Mcccnts

I think this is a rip off I fought in Vietnam and why should a stranger be placed over my income the va gave me a loan to buy a house and three years later they take my income gives it to a tatol stranger which has brought a burden on me to pay for my house and on top of that ALL of my bills are behind thanks so much Mr.judiciary for making my life a living hell


My 94 yr old mother is waiting for her new fiduciary to be approved. She Switched from her former assisted living facility which was fiduciary and received her VA benefits to pay for rent to a new facility naming her attorney and relative as new fiduciary. The new fiduciary is waiting to be approved how can we speed up this process so the new facility can get paid so we can keep my mother at her assisted living where she is now?
I am disabled and do not work or receive benefits. I have no money to pay. If she is discharged for non payment she has no where to go. This is really a matter of life and death.

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