There we are together. The last day of the retreat, October 24, after walking through each and every conversation we’ve had during our Why Coaching Days since we began the journey together in January of 2013.
The topics alone were big, but what came out of them was even bigger. My favorite was, “You Must Be What You Want From The World” – just let that one sink in for a minute, remind yourself and then pull out your Action Plan from that day 22 months ago.
Getting back to October 24– today I looked at “My Four Month Focus” workbook. It caused me to ask myself just what Dave asked us that day: “What future do I choose and what am I deciding to take from my past to use in the present to live a life I love?” The answer to that question starts with “Where am I – today?”
I wrote down a few things that impacted me getting where I am today: (1) the work I’ve done with the support of my life coach; (2) working with the best estate planning attorneys nationally alongside their teams, sharing and growing TOGETHER (our members really move me); (3) the daily inspiration I get from my three boys.
So I put those things into play via a “Freedom Cycle” activity onto my LWP Progress Focuser to carry over to another tool that I’ll get to in a bit.
Next we had an internal reflections exercise. They’re necessary when you look at where you are; they may not be always fun to play with, but they ALWAYS provide opportunities to grow. My insights were: (1) stop trying to add value at the risk of dampening commitments and adding my own .02 in every conversation; (2) pay attention to others’ behaviors more during conversations; (3) work on my “winning” and “excuses” mindset when I need to get er’ done.
We moved through five activities that day, and each provided us with three insights. Now this is where the carry-over comes from my previously mentioned “Freedom Cycle.” We walked away with an action plan for the next four months that hit:
- Where I am;
- My Freedom Cycle;
- Progress Focuser;
- Destructive Habits;
- Present Focuser.
All of this was contained within one booklet that is in front of me DAILY. I’ve completed an Idea Focuser for each one based on my insights. I’ve set a goal, written down how I’m going to measure progress, and I know the benefits, my obstacles, and the contribution to others and myself. The strategies are written down that I will use to overcome obstacles, along with the next action and the “by when” date.
During this process, it hit me that I’ve been tabling a goal of mine for “reasons,” and all I need to do is put time in my calendar, and not let it get trumped by ANYTHING, to fuel my inner Quick Start/Follow Through. So, I added that to the agenda for our Board of Directors meeting to make 100% sure someone was holding me accountable week in and week out to get it done.
And that was just the first thing I added to my Future Focuser. There are four more that are a blend of personal and professional goals in front of me daily, to hit by February 2014, when I will be back in the room with LWP, our members and their team in Charlotte! I can't wait. It'll be a lot to work on between now and then - but I'm taking it all one step at a time. With today and where I am now.... I can't wait to look back in February 2015.
Let me know what you’ve DECIDED that will enable you to live a life you love! You can email me at [email protected] or comment below. If you would like go through the Why Day Power Point "What Got You Here Won't Get You There" click here. And if you are interested in any of the tools we used that I mentioned, feel free to email Molly Hall at [email protected].
Roslyn Drotar - Coaching, Consulting & Implementation, Lawyers With Purpose