I’m a Fact Finder, which makes it a sure bet that I’m fascinated by all things KOLBE and how a KOLBE A index can predict levels of success in any given position. As a CC&I Implementation Coach, I review KOLBE scores with teams on a regular basis. I’m always particularly interested (and generally amused) when I have a husband and wife working together and review their KOLBEs.
Occasionally I have a business owner tell me that they’ve had to let a team member go, and in several instances, we’ve found that the team member simply did not live up to the expectations the KOLBE index had indicated.
For example, a Client Services Coordinator with a high Follow Through was found to be trashing prospect contact information because she ran short of time to enter the information into the firm database. Her attorney totally depended upon her Follow Through and her sense of integrity to get the job done.
What does it mean when a team member … or an attorney … doesn’t get the job done?
Unfortunately, I’ve been hearing from a number of frustrated attorneys who went on vacation this summer, only to return and find their team had dropped the ball in their absence.
Just to keep the record straight – I’ve also heard from frustrated team members as well.
It was summer. A time when we’d like to slow down just a bit and stop and smell the roses. Play with the kids while they’re out of school, or feel the need to tackle some of those home improvement projects that went left undone when you were so focused on the business.
The good news is the kids are back in school, summer is over, and it’s time to focus on making up for lost time.
The bad news is that this issue may not just be seasonal.
Enter the Strength Finder.
The Strength Finder is an additional tool that can supplement what the KOLBE tells us. It measures 34 different areas to identify and rank your top strengths. The results can be enlightening and life changing.
For example, I discovered that while my KOLBE Follow Through is not incredibly high, my Strength Finder lists one of my top strengths to be “FIXER.” I am literally driven to “FIX” or complete what is incomplete. My “FIXER” strength boosts my unimpressive KOLBE Follow Through.
The Strength Finder, when coupled with the KOLBE and the Language of Appreciation, provide great insight into talents, strengths, willingness and passions.
You can discover your strengths, free of charge - click here. You can discover your Language of Appreciation, free of charge here. The KOLBE A retails for $49.95 (click here) but a $10 discount is currently offered at http://www.kolbe.com/pages/special-partner/jkw/.
I must warn you that using these tools is no substitute for holding each other accountable in your office. One way to “check in” and be held accountable is through the Weekly Team Meeting. A Weekly Team Meeting, led by the Client Services Coordinator, with an agenda that promotes the accountability of each team member in front of the team, including the attorney, is a way to systematically inspect the moving parts that operate your business. Internally publishing notes with dated assignments is also an accountability tool.
If you would like to schedule a team evaluation using the KOLBE A, Strength Finder and Language of Appreciation, please contact me at [email protected].
There are still a few days left to register for our Practice With Purpose Program in October. If you want to grow your business with Medicaid, VA & Asset Protection by year end, show up! You can see the full agenda and register here.
Nedra Catale - Coaching, Consulting & Implementation, Lawyers With Purpose