One of my favorite people to follow on Twitter and Facebook is Lisa Jo Baker. It's difficult for me to put into words how much my life has changed since having children and she nails it! She literally hits it spot on! Putting words together like brave, comfort, sleep deprived and mighty. Things you don't think of, not the ordinary words you use when you think of MOM (aka, lunch maker, dishwasher, cook, taxi driver, etc.).
My favorite is her piece entitled "I Am A Mom" ...
I am a mom.
I can build a blanket fort, pry splinters out of fingers, and sharp words out of young hearts.
I have lost it, yelled it, fought it, cried it and apologized it all before 9am.
I have fingerpainted, caffeinated, and run out of explanations for a line of why questions that stretches around the living room, out the front door and around the block.
I have tripped on Legos, stepped on scooters, slept on bottom bunks, and strung yards of white, twinkling lights above the heads of two blonde brothers afraid of the dark and their bad dreams.
I have been woken up, shaken up, thrown up, loved up, and shut up. I have never quite, completely, ever given up.
Love sleeps in my bed. Curiosity eats at my table. Delight runs laps around my back yard. Exhaustion is a faithful friend. But so is grace.
I am a mom.
What I love about this the piece is I'm sure every mother can relate and use terms interchangeably that define who we are as a mother to our individual children. Words like Legos changed into Barbie. Or "blonde brothers" into "brunette sisters". But it captures the true essence that being a mother ... is nothing short of extraordinary!
Have a blessed and restful Mother's Day!
Roslyn Drotar, Implementation Coach, Lawyers With Purpose