Have you ever thought about the amount of time you spend at the office? Be honest and think about how much time you spend each day, and how many days each week. Include the weekends! On the average we see that most attorneys are spending 56 hours OR MORE per week. With little or no vacation. If you take that and divide it by your annual income, how much are you making per hour? Doing the math may be painful but it can also give powerful insight on how important it is for you to be intentional with your time. We did some calculations and it’s typical for a solo practitioner to be earning roughly $29.28 per hour.
Is this you? Are you happy?
You have to be proactivein your day with clearly defined goals and a path to get you there. You need to declare the practice you want to have and you have to create time standards to achieve it. You've got to think in colors of the rainbow. Blue, Green and Gold!
BLUE: The Time you spend on Lead Generation and Lead Conversion (commonly referred to as Marketing and Sales). At Lawyers with Purpose™, we call this Relationship Management and Client Enrollment.
GREEN: The Time you spend on serving your clients to provide the value they hired you for. This requires working with your team utilizing systems and process to create consistent quality and reduce the time required by YOU.
YELLOW: The time you spend operating your law firm business. While most view this as black time it is actually “Gold” if it’s Proactive!
You can have the practice you’ve always wanted if you are proactive with your time. We promise, it’s that simple. You can have staff that will support you in the essential areas to succeed, rather than reacting to everything around you, consistent (and increasing) cash flow and a quality of life for yourself, your family, your clients, and your community will be enhanced! www.lawyerswithpurpose.com