I was recently speaking at a local law school and I saw it in their eyes… The 2L's and 3L's saw me as a piece of raw meat, excited to figure out if there was any opportunity to get a job with me. I was also able to experience that innocence I had as law student and the ideal I had about the industry I was getting myself into. What happened?
Most attorneys I work with got involved in law to make the world a better place and to make a good living for their families, but its not working out that way for most. Many started in a firm, but eventually got frustrated enough “to go do it themselves” but the drudgery of running a day-to-day practice has taken its toll. The good news is, you can get back what you always wanted to have in your practice. It just takes a little bit of time and persistence, but most importantly, it requires integration. That's the title of my one-hour webinar I'm delivering on August 14th at 8:00 p.m. Eastern/5:00 p.m. Pacific:
“Integration: The Four Strategies That Got Me The Practice I Always Dreamed Of.”
As a practicing attorney, like you, I live the day-to-day; but it's not Groundhog's Day for me, and it doesn't have to be for you. I have been fortunate to have trained thousands of lawyers and over 600 on my comprehensive practice with purpose program. I'd love to share with you how different the next 6 to 12 months can be for you and how it can change the rest of your life.
How can you get involved? Click HERE!
I hope you'll join me!
Sincerely, David J. Zumpano, CPA, Esq.
Practicing Attorney, just like you &
Founder of Estate Planning Law Center, MPS, & Lawyers With Purpose, LLC
P.S., While attorneys everywhere are struggling, there are some who are THRIVING - living life according to their dreams - even in this economy. Tim from Ohio will share how he added $300,000 to his revenue in one year by following my four strategies.
Want to learn the secrets they know that you don’t? Register for the webinar now HERE. EXTRA BONUS:
Those who register AND attend will receive “The 100% Estate Planning Practice,” my 5 hour CLE, recently presented to the Mid-South Estate Planning Forum. It includes legal technical training, marketing and practice management techniques unparalleled in the industry.